Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I subscribe to the Channel 4 News daily email. It arrives each day about two hours before the programme comes on. Today they've come out with an introduction that simply has to be read in the voice of Chris Morris:

What's in a computer disc? Just a sheet of plastic with a hole in it,
or a politically explosive time bomb? Alas, for the government it is
the latter tonight.

The investigation is into the missing computer discs from revenue and
customs that have never been recovered. The report suggests a
disc-happy culture in government and a failure to comprehend the scale
of the citizen's interest in keeping his and her taxation details
private. Tonight the report and the very red faces.
Ah, "disc-happy culture". When will we have a czar against or war on disc-happiness?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Brain Scans for Eyewitnesses

Our memory plays tricks on us when we try to recall witnessing a crime [BBC]. So to circumvent that they're suggesting scanning people's brains to see if they actually recall something or whether they've just been addled by suggestion from other people, the police in particular.

Trouble is, I'm a jaded old beast. If they scanned my brain whilst trying to determine whether I remembered a murderer's coat when shown, they'd probably find I was thinking about Barbara Flynn in the nude or whether I would be leaving the station before the pubs close.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Strangely Chilling Headline of the Week

Courtesy of the BBC:

Many children 'brush teeth alone'

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Dog Fights

The number of dog fights being reported has risen 15-fold in four years, according to figures from the RSPCA.

But shouldn't those figures come from the RAF?


Monday, June 02, 2008

Two/Three Word Definitions

It is excellent, is it not, to have a paedophile called "Swirly Face".
